patent brand
patent registration
Red crescent patent

Brand registration

Brand registration, brand name or patent registration are known among locals. These phrases are correct, though the most accurate expressed trademark registration statement. trademark protection, Following application and start making the application to be published.

Trademark registration is a process that must be managed and professionally done. If you want to perform well for trademark registration application; Let us help you with issues related to both the application and will make both processes together can rule.


patent registration by the state in exchange for a product or technology to be shared with the public the method is called a patent application with the right intangibles. patent applications for registration must be made in order to benefit from these rights. it provides the rights to the patents pertaining to products or methods used for the registration of a patent application.

You also if the; If you want to engineering services and representation services in a professional manner in the matters of patent registrations. We will communicate with you wherever you are and in Turkey, where we have taken the necessary assistance for the registration of patents.

Turkey's necessary for you to file technical patent registrations speaking the same language with our engineers to be everywhere as if you were preparing for your service boutique around the corner.

ISO 9001

ISO definition of "International Organization for Standardization" is an acronym for the phrase. In other words, brought together by the international standardization organizations ISO quality management system standards are. ISO 9001 Certificate, that shipped with the product or service organizations or institutions in accordance with the document management system specified by internationally recognized organizations and have seen that there is a management approach that is due to the administration and organization with iso 9001 according to the standards could be documented ensure continuity of service and product quality.

ISO 9001 It is a process that must be managed and professionally done. If you are also ISO 9001 If you want to make the application; Let us help you with issues related to both the application and will make both processes together can rule.
What is the Brand? kizilay patent marka Brand product, the company, partys, sloganın, Bearing a brand logo or shape characteristic; that distinguish by the consumer, Is a right given to the owner of the mark.
What is a patent? What is a patent KIZILAY Patent, shared with the public in exchange for an invention that is a monopoly granted for a limited time to meet public.
What is a Utility Model? kizilay patent faydali model Utility model registration, abroad "utility patents" name is a protection system designed to protect the patenting of inventions can not be protected.
Our campaign KIZILAY patent campaigns All trademark registration, patent registration, utility model registration and domestic - Contact our current campaign to date for applications abroad.


The Turkish Red Crescent
Crescent Natural Moden Water
Hand in hand
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Bayt Maher. The Ceyhun Atif Kansu Cad. review Plaza 130 /36 Çankaya - Ankara

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